LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS Sorbonne Université Université de Paris

Prototyping FDR

Thursday 24 May 2018, by Damien Gratadour

The Prototyping Final Design Review (FDR) and individual prototypes performance assessment was help in Paris on 01/04/18 with representatives from all partners, including engineers and researchers, and a panel of external reviewers from the E-ELT instruments consortia (MICADO, MAORY, HARMONI, METIS) as well as one of the SPARTA main designer.

The project partners produced a set of presentations describing the current status of the prototyping activities, a final performance analysis of the individual prototypes and the designs of the final prototypes to be implemented at each partner . This documentation is available below.

The full FDR documentation was reviewed and the panel provided a series of comments and open questions after the review. A detailed analysis of these reports will be available soon.

Documents à télécharger