LESIA Observatoire de Paris-PSL CNRS Sorbonne Université Université de Paris

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EXDCI wrokshop 2016

Gratadour for an overview of the project


Gratadour et al, for an overview of the project

Denis Perret, for the interconnect prototyping

Florian Ferreira for the work on the simulation platform

Julien Bernard for the work on the GPU based real-time platform

Perspective of GPU computing in Sciences 2016

With presentations from Maxime Lainé and Julien Bernard


Florian Ferreira for an update on the simulation platform

Sébastien Durand for E-ELT dedicated developments on the simulation platform

Gratadour et al, for a progress report on the project

Nicolas Doucet for the work on the supervisor pipeline

Nigel Dipper for the activities at Durham University

Gratadour et al, for the work on the smart interconnect

Julien Bernard for the work on the GPU based real-time platform

Maxime Lainé for the work on the FPGA + GPU communication

Roberto Biasi for the activities at Microgate