Gratadour et al, Green FLASH: energy efficient real-time control for AO
Perret et al, fBridging FPGA and GPU technologies for AO real-time control
Ferreira et al, Deriving comprehensive error breakdown for wide field adaptive optics systems using end-to-end simulations
Bitenc et al. Demonstration of the suitability of GPUs for AO real-time control at ELT scales
Bernard et al. A GPU based RTC for the E-ELT AO: RTC prototype [P3045]
Doucet et al. Efficient supervision strategy for tomographic AO systems on ELTs [P3054]
Ferreira et al. ROKET: erROr breaKdown Estimation Tool for adaptive optics systems [P1057]
Gratadour et al Green Flash: Exploiting future and emerging computing technologies for AO RTC at ELT scale
Jenkins et al. ELT scale real-time control on Intel Xeon Phi and manycore CPUs [P3036]
Patauner et al. FPGA based microserver for high performance real-time computing in AO [P3055]
Perret et al. “A generic and scalable heterogeneous architecture for real-time computing and performance measurements in AO” [P3037]
Petit et al. “RTC strategies for Harmoni SCAO and LTAO modes” [P3035]
Vidal et al. MICADO SCAO numerical simulations [P1056]
Basden et al. A modular design for the MOSAIC AO real-time control system
Bernard et al, Performance of a scalable GPU based SCAO RTC prototype
Doucet et al. Scalable soft real-time supervisor for tomographic AO
Ferreira et al. Real-time end-to-end AO simulations at ELT scale on multiple GPUs with the COMPASS platform
Ferreira et al. Modeling of PSF corrected by adaptive optics systems
Gratadour et al, Prototyping AO RTC using emerging high performance computing technologies with the Green Flash project
Guyon et al. The compute and control for adaptive optics (CACAO) real-time control software package
Jenkins et al, An ELT scale MCAO real-time control prototype using Xeon Phi technologies
Morris et al. Phase A AO system design and performance for MOSAIC at the ELT
Younger et al. Middleware evaluation and selection for ELT-scale Adaptive Optics RTCS